Map Ranking

Olle Bull

Olle Bull
Opponents defeated: 34.988 (814.)
Tribe: ~KN~
Night bonus: Current: 00:00-08:00

Villages (19) Coordinates Points
299|566 6.075
296|569 7.458
302|565 5.906
Capt Tony s Saloon
296|564 7.809
302|566 7.002
308|569 7.702
300|563 7.742
305|567 5.161
307|570 4.250
309|570 9.379
306|568 7.606
hötel de ville
295|564 7.757
297|566 7.374
301|566 7.261
299|567 7.342
Moulin roche
300|567 8.118
298|564 7.407
295|563 7.809
Pizza Hut
298|562 7.545
Combat achievements
Plunderer (Silver - Level 3)

Plunder resources from other villages 1.000 times.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Self-attack (Bronze - Level 2)

Attack yourself and lose more than 100 units in one battle.

Conquest (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer a total of 5 villages.

Death of a hero (Wood - Level 1)

While supporting other villages, lose 1.000 of your units.

Leader (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat a total of 10.000 enemy units.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.

Nobles Faith (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat a nobleman in battle.

Successful noble claims (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer 5 claimed villages.

Wallbreaker (Wood - Level 1)

Destroy 25 Wall levels using your rams.

Social achievements
Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

Growth achievements
Recruitment Drive (Silver - Level 3)

Recruit a total of 50.000 units!

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Architect (Bronze - Level 2)

Build a total of 150 building levels!

Continent scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 30 of a continent!

Gatherer (Bronze - Level 2)

Scavenge a total of 10.000 resources.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Top scorer (Wood - Level 1)

Make it into the top 1.000 in the world.

Wealth comes in gold (Wood - Level 1)

Mint 50 gold coins.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 5)

Play Tribal Wars for 5 years.

Tribal Wars Wizardry: Hat experimenter

Acquire one of the mysterious hats from the Wizard or other players.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Explore 20 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Wood - Level 1)

Explore 1 island.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Wood - Level 1)

Clear 25% of the stages.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat 10.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Achievements on other worlds
World 106

World 112

World 114

World 119

World 120

World 121

World 124

World 131

World 134

World 136

World 118

World 126

World 129


World 123

World 125

World 140