Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 5.503.074 (134.)
Tribe: DDF
Night bonus: Current: 14:00-22:00

Villages (271) Coordinates Points
K65 #01
502|697 9.747
K65 #02
508|693 9.747
K65 #03
508|695 9.747
K65 #04
512|697 9.747
K65 #05
508|694 9.747
K65 #06
501|697 9.747
K65 #07
511|696 9.747
K65 #08
505|695 9.747
K65 #09
509|695 9.747
K65 #10
508|698 9.747
K65 #11
508|696 9.747
K65 #12
512|695 9.747
K65 #13
509|698 9.747
K65 #14
510|696 9.747
K65 #15
501|691 9.747
K65 #16
500|691 9.747
K65 #17
502|687 9.747
K65 #18
503|693 9.747
K65 #19
503|688 9.747
K65 #20
504|693 9.747
K65 #21
509|697 9.747
K65 #22
501|696 9.747
K65 #23
504|696 9.747
K65 #24
502|694 9.747
K65 #25
502|693 9.747
K65 #26
500|692 9.747
K65 #27
508|699 9.747
K65 #28
512|698 9.747
K65 #29
502|686 9.747
K65 #30
508|691 9.747
K65 #31
503|683 9.747
K65 #32
504|684 9.747
K65 #33
501|692 9.747
K65 #34
504|682 9.747
K65 #35
506|683 9.747
K65 #36
508|681 9.747
K65 #37
501|682 9.747
K65 #38
501|684 9.747
K65 #39
501|685 9.747
K65 #40
519|698 9.747
K65 #41
526|698 9.757
K65 #42
528|698 9.747
K65 #43
530|695 10.223
K65 #44
504|686 9.747
K65 #45
505|684 9.747
K65 #46
503|695 9.747
K65 #47
507|683 9.747
K65 #48
509|693 9.747
K65 #49
503|691 9.747
K65 #50
506|692 9.747
K65 #51
510|691 9.747
K65 #52
503|687 9.747
K65 #53
502|696 9.747
K65 #54
507|684 9.747
K65 #55
506|693 9.747
K65 #56
500|690 9.747
K65 #57
505|686 9.747
K65 #58
501|690 9.747
K65 #59
501|698 9.747
K65 #60
504|698 9.747
K65 #61
500|694 9.747
K65 #62
506|689 9.747
K65 #63
507|687 9.747
K65 #64
505|687 9.747
K74 #001
497|708 9.747
K74 #002
498|709 9.747
K74 #003
487|704 9.747
K74 #004
488|703 9.747
K74 #005
489|703 9.747
K74 #006
488|706 9.747
K74 #007
487|703 9.747
K74 #008
472|712 9.747
K74 #009
473|713 9.747
K74 #010
472|715 9.747
K74 #011
472|720 9.747
K74 #012
474|721 9.747
K74 #013
473|722 9.747
K74 #014
475|720 9.747
K74 #015
499|705 9.747
K74 #016
467|716 9.747
K74 #017
467|719 9.747
K74 #018
470|721 9.747
K74 #019
468|717 9.747
K74 #020
467|717 9.747
K74 #021
459|713 9.747
K74 #022
460|712 9.759
K74 #023
459|714 9.747
K74 #024
459|715 9.747
K74 #025
465|717 9.747
K74 #026
458|715 9.747
K74 #027
458|716 9.747
K74 #028
472|725 9.747
K74 #029
472|724 9.747
K74 #030
458|711 9.747
K74 #031
461|716 9.747
K74 #032
462|716 9.747
K74 #033
472|727 9.747
K74 #034
462|717 9.747
K74 #035
458|718 9.747
K74 #036
460|719 9.747
Display all leftover 171 villages
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 78 with your tribe Rhythm.

Daily achievements
1x Great power of the day

Conquer the most villages in this world.

Best result: on 31.10.2024 (30 villages)

Combat achievements
Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)

Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.

Robber (Gold - Level 4)

Loot a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Death of a hero (Silver - Level 3)

While supporting other villages, lose 20.000 of your units.

Leader (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat a total of 1.000.000 enemy units.

The Warlord (Silver - Level 3)

Attack 100 different players

Master of the Battlefield (Bronze - Level 2)

Completely destroy 250 hostile armies.

Scout Hunter (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat 25 scouting attacks.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Social achievements
Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

The mentor (Wood - Level 1)

As a mentor, train 1 apprentice.

Growth achievements
Gatherer (Gold - Level 4)

Scavenge a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 17)

Play Tribal Wars for 17 years.

Achievements on other worlds
World 78

World 139
