Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 18.817.456 (39.)
Tribe: Virgin
Night bonus: Current: 06:00-14:00

Villages (243) Coordinates Points
0001 Frigg
655|520 10.061
0002 Frigg
653|528 10.080
0003 Frigg
658|530 11.106
0004 Frigg
656|533 10.814
0005 Frigg
655|535 10.385
0006 Frigg
663|510 10.216
0007 Frigg
663|520 10.206
0008 Frigg
664|524 10.692
0009 Frigg
662|508 10.074
0010 Frigg
666|510 7.537
0011 Frigg
668|486 10.460
0012 Frigg
666|531 8.053
0013 Frigg
664|532 9.556
0014 Frigg
665|539 9.906
0015 Frigg
663|540 7.425
0016 Frigg
669|506 10.681
0017 Frigg
665|541 9.630
0018 Frigg
670|484 10.135
0019 Frigg
668|553 7.388
0020 Frigg
673|543 5.049
0021 Frigg
670|547 7.566
0022 Frigg
650|539 10.547
0023 Frigg
660|532 10.814
0024 Frigg
659|527 10.064
0025 Frigg
658|518 10.202
0026 Frigg
663|517 7.558
0027 Frigg
660|529 6.728
0028 Frigg
665|510 10.208
0029 Frigg
660|510 10.542
0030 Frigg
663|511 8.499
0031 Frigg
669|486 10.076
0032 Frigg
661|525 10.071
0033 Frigg
664|511 10.079
0034 Frigg
652|538 10.571
0035 Frigg
661|529 12.130
0036 Frigg
664|538 10.090
0037 Frigg
668|506 10.977
0038 Frigg
660|543 10.064
0039 Frigg
668|537 7.426
0040 Frigg
671|544 7.843
0041 Frigg
670|553 9.777
0042 Frigg
676|501 10.116
0043 Frigg
654|516 10.212
0044 Frigg
652|520 10.133
0045 Frigg
652|536 10.446
0046 Frigg
656|530 11.054
0047 Frigg
657|519 10.071
0048 Frigg
654|517 10.678
0049 Frigg
655|521 10.076
0050 Frigg
664|512 9.672
0051 Frigg
663|512 10.664
0052 Frigg
665|501 10.064
0053 Frigg
666|502 11.140
0054 Frigg
656|537 10.133
0055 Frigg
663|549 6.223
0056 Frigg
668|507 10.064
0057 Frigg
671|483 10.125
0058 Frigg
667|498 10.085
0059 Frigg
669|525 10.537
0060 Frigg
663|550 10.396
0061 Frigg
671|542 7.165
0062 Frigg
670|539 8.095
0063 Frigg
667|541 10.080
0064 Frigg
675|503 9.537
0065 Frigg
674|501 7.193
0066 Frigg
654|519 10.079
0067 Frigg
651|536 10.483
0068 Frigg
655|522 10.063
0069 Frigg
659|519 10.559
0070 Frigg
663|502 10.063
0071 Frigg
660|514 10.086
0072 Frigg
657|521 10.552
0073 Frigg
658|516 10.593
0074 Frigg
662|538 10.479
0075 Frigg
661|537 10.102
0076 Frigg
663|543 8.604
0077 Frigg
663|513 6.840
0078 Frigg
663|530 10.080
0079 Frigg
668|539 10.094
0080 Frigg
663|534 7.397
0081 Frigg
670|509 10.266
0082 Frigg
671|540 7.426
0083 Frigg
675|499 10.251
0084 Frigg
668|545 7.880
0085 Frigg
673|541 4.922
0086 Frigg
669|547 6.997
0087 Frigg
651|526 10.073
0088 Frigg
651|518 10.074
0089 Frigg
652|528 10.066
0090 Frigg
658|522 10.210
0091 Frigg
658|531 10.338
0092 Frigg
659|544 10.292
0093 Frigg
661|534 9.661
0094 Frigg
659|536 8.483
0095 Frigg
666|508 10.281
0096 Frigg
661|545 10.066
0097 Frigg
661|517 10.665
0098 Frigg
669|502 10.204
0099 Frigg
668|508 10.556
0100 Frigg
669|527 9.827
Display all leftover 143 villages
Personal picture
Personal text
In the ethereal expanse of Tribal Wars, there dwells a
queen whose beauty rivals the dawn's first light, yet
whose soul is shrouded in darkness. She is Frigg, her hair
cascading like molten gold down her slender form.
Her eyes, a haunting shade of ice blue, hold within them
the secrets of the abyss, promising both ecstasy and
despair to those who dare to gaze upon her.

Within the confines of her icy palace, Frigg rules with a
velvet-gloved fist, rewarding those who pledge their
unwavering loyalty with gifts that tantalize the senses
and ignite forbidden desires. Exotic and erotic treasures
from lands beyond the mortal realm are bestowed upon
her chosen ones, their souls ensnared in a web of
darkness and temptation.

But beneath her beguiling exterior lies a heart as cold
as the depths of the winter she commands, unyielding
in its pursuit of power and dominance. Frigg is a queen
of shadows and secrets, her enemies quaking in fear at
the mere mention of her name. With a mind as sharp
as a blade and a tongue as cutting as ice, she
strikes without mercy, leaving naught but devastation
in her wake.

Yet, amidst the darkness, there flickers a glimmer of
loyalty that burns bright within Frigg's heart. She is
fiercely protective of her people, willing to sacrifice
everything to ensure their safety and well-being. In times of war, she leads her armies with a ferocity
that borders on madness, her tactics as unpredictable
as they are devastating.

In matters of the heart, her love is a twisted tapestry of
passion and pain. She is a tempestuous lover, her
affections shifting like the cold arctic winds, her
desires as inscrutable as the mysteries of the night.
To win her heart is to dance upon the edge of oblivion,
for Frigg is a queen who thrives on chaos and uncertainty,
her love a dark and dangerous game.

In the shadowy realm of Tribal Wars, Frigg reigns
supreme, a queen of darkness and desire, her beauty and
power unmatched by any who dare to challenge her. She
is a figure of fear and fascination, a dark angel whose
legend will echo through eternity.

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World 139