Map Ranking

No Badges for Idiots

Tribe name:No Badges for Idiots
Number of members:9
Points of the best 25 players27.932.903
Total points:27.932.903
Average points:3.103.656
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 854.046.841 (4.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
big satan 1 5,721,180 43 610
Noodle?? 2 3,832,279 46 366
KBLEGEND24 3 3,758,748 47 375
Wolf J Flywheel 4 3,696,704 48 372
Drakken 5 2,859,096 52 306
ALENIG 6 2,537,907 54 251
chadders2865 7 2,430,794 55 256
Jamisco 8 1,580,134 57 165
marian74 9 1,516,061 58 150
For general questions please contact
Daddy Ashen

Daddy Ashen