Map Ranking

Badge For Idiots

Tribe name:Badge For Idiots
Number of members:25
Points of the best 25 players318.856.345
Total points:318.856.345
Average points:12.754.254
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 3.302.895.848 (2.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Lucky Ryu 1 22,664,674 2 2014
Omg a fish 2 19,609,871 3 1745
Back Line Trash 3 18,497,539 6 1630
killersodur 4 17,687,638 8 1617
Idiot Savant 5 17,120,375 9 1473
ixecute 6 16,895,629 10 1554
Deluga 7 16,262,246 11 1552
Tuff Muff 8 15,972,400 12 1522
MilkMan227c 9 15,442,689 13 1504
Daddy Ashen 10 14,854,931 14 1452
Aether 11 13,082,492 18 1225
Murph 12 12,921,648 19 1221
Finesse 13 12,717,293 21 1162
NeuJEra 14 11,854,134 24 1067
wanielwang 15 11,521,745 25 1071
Tony Stark 16 10,652,279 26 977
sirsasro 17 10,055,122 28 986
Omg a duck 18 9,997,316 30 930
itzflirty 19 9,244,595 33 907
Light Yagami 20 8,550,608 35 827
jontoh 21 8,027,900 36 754
roudle 22 7,825,359 37 752
Minted Lamb Chops 23 6,592,717 41 630
alioster12 24 6,392,987 42 610
Xxdrunkensinzx 25 4,412,158 44 409

jontoh | Daddy Ashen