Map Ranking

Yin and Yang

Tribe name:Yin and Yang
Number of members:18
Points of the best 25 players6.204.265
Total points:6.204.265
Average points:344.681
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 91.182.450 (14.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
gringokid 1 902,332 137 114
CF87 2 772,499 154 82
tatamata 3 664,863 166 65
ryansweetchainmusic 4 661,279 167 80
Geostar 5 564,455 184 86
labylaby 6 386,436 213 47
Van Nutcracker 7 368,775 218 40
Jeffybee 8 359,150 222 45
JEFFTHECHEESE 9 302,846 235 41
Deano. 10 274,221 244 33
tomtherocker 11 236,775 256 30
matancherry 12 197,049 266 26
chappy 13 167,473 273 17
XouZ 14 154,574 282 17
Lionhearth 15 83,554 319 16
initgood2win 16 59,350 342 19
Alextag 17 48,634 355 12
Gooners4life 18 0 929 0
Closed or Contact: tua1423 for more info :) Cheers :)