Map Ranking

Devil's dance floor

Tribe name:Devil's dance floor
Number of members:6
Points of the best 25 players7.621.284
Total points:7.621.284
Average points:1.270.214
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 389.225.812 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
YungSamwell 1 2,238,418 56 230
PumbaKralj 2 2,128,011 59 221
jarreth 3 1,972,842 61 197
Hots 4 1,236,705 66 126
Swish 5 45,308 79 5
ddog 6 0 219 0
For any instructions about dance contact a.K.a elmoo

If you want to book our dancing floor contact jarreth