Map Ranking

Eyus Broskilanus

Tribe name:Eyus Broskilanus
Number of members:21
Points of the best 25 players3.864.142
Total points:3.864.142
Average points:184.007
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 167.900.806 (9.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Oldwind 1 417,365 205 48
Delbert 2 414,083 207 65
SudanWarrior (RD) 3 371,412 217 50
Simultaneous 4 358,143 223 41
Soulhero (Fjuttis) 5 340,592 226 38
FDMVA 6 312,270 234 31
bgrif210 7 279,861 241 33
ShadowRise 8 260,211 248 58
Zeko29 9 248,393 249 34
Ming Emperor 10 230,210 258 28
Shoobi (Luddet) 11 158,106 279 16
Wortel24 12 129,616 290 16
TheBearBeer 13 111,637 298 15
it bleedzz 14 82,413 321 13
Vaderrandy 15 73,865 325 9
swaize 16 27,755 399 5
firerawks 17 25,882 405 4
apmoJ 18 10,918 461 2
SirMom 19 8,901 477 1
Borris2 20 2,222 620 1
prvi vitez 21 287 766 1
Once upon a time, a miracle happened somewhere deep into the Swedish forest.
People had always longed for an affordable, yet very much drinkable beer.
One day, a magic brewery appeared to grant their wish.

And so.. EyBro was born!high_brightness

We have no clue who's in charge here..
But when curiosity struck, SudanWarrior found the 'create' button,
- Shoobi, ShadowRise, Soulhero & it bleedzz -
applied peer pressure, and the button was pressed.

So you can try either one, or all of us if you need a contact!

Or anyone else in here for that matter,
we're all united in cluelessness. handshake

Cheers! beers

EyBro Eminem