Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

In a day

Highest scores achieved in one day (0:00:00 to 23:59:59)


Rank Name Tribe Score Date
1 Lucky Ryu Idiots 2.407.890 07.08.2024
2 Kirderf TLD 1.955.361 04.08.2024
3 dzippe TLD 1.775.219 21.08.2024
4 Daddy Ashen Idiots 1.688.094 31.08.2024
5 KingOfStyle TLD 1.587.430 05.09.2024
6 Your Side -TH- TLD 1.303.887 02.08.2024
7 Finesse Idiots 1.163.689 16.07.2024
8 Murph Idiots 999.187 31.08.2024
9 ixecute Idiots 986.458 29.08.2024
10 Deja vu MAFIA 978.527 21.08.2024
11 xBLUE MAFIA 920.435 20.08.2024
12 MilkMan227c Idiots 852.339 24.08.2024
13 Back Line Trash Idiots 818.675 yesterday
14 Idiot Savant Idiots 747.648 09.08.2024
15 Aether Idiots 729.669 05.09.2024
16 jontoh Idiots 729.425 25.06.2024
17 killersodur Idiots 715.159 31.08.2024
18 xaphot NoId 665.215 21.07.2024
19 Phupk MAFIA 653.102 23.08.2024
20 Prawit Wong-suwon MiTH. 651.387 yesterday
21 Wolf of Hahn St w/love 601.596 16.06.2024
22 Deluga Idiots 589.338 22.07.2024
23 itzflirty Idiots 568.774 06.08.2024
24 Kentheman11 535.017 06.06.2024
25 Thaksin Chinnawat MiTH. 534.026 23.08.2024
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