Map Ranking

No Badges for Idiots

Tribe name:No Badges for Idiots
Number of members:14
Points of the best 25 players36.842.305
Total points:36.842.305
Average points:2.631.593
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 767.490.400 (6.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
big satan 1 4,987,041 46 536
Wolf J Flywheel 2 4,066,673 49 372
Noodle?? 3 3,731,629 51 356
Seized 4 3,226,852 52 296
KBLEGEND24 5 3,210,708 53 310
xaphot 6 2,813,788 57 265
BO55 MAN 7 2,644,545 60 253
Drakken 8 2,572,493 61 282
chadders2865 9 2,027,881 65 220
ALENIG 10 1,773,761 68 188
mantux312 11 1,505,558 69 153
Jamisco 12 1,489,323 70 156
marian74 13 1,459,622 72 145
snowtime 14 1,332,431 73 124
For general questions please contact
Daddy Ashen

Daddy Ashen