Map Ranking

Option C

Tribe name:Option C
Number of members:14
Points of the best 25 players2.910.664
Total points:2.910.664
Average points:207.905
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 27.814.744 (17.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Glebun 1 709,446 140 74
suspenders 2 569,489 162 62
AslainN 3 349,763 216 44
VictorC 4 305,120 239 49
Liero 5 282,784 249 37
Lord Mats 6 198,311 296 44
bilza 7 155,411 318 23
Rapidfire25 8 83,995 405 20
ChanceF 9 69,202 426 10
Takos 10 51,411 456 13
zExeLa 11 45,524 462 15
Dukelin 12 42,143 471 11
MadRevanger 13 41,542 475 10
Rexzia 14 6,523 674 1
OptC was founded by our lord and savior RNGesus. Discord use is a requirement.

Recruitment: Deja vu