Map Ranking

Guardians of Death

Tribe name:Guardians of Death
Number of members:6
Points of the best 25 players41.646
Total points:41.646
Average points:6.941
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.783.429 (62.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Viking Harald 1 11,635 578 4
fawnpanther 2 7,826 612 3
Cezar 3 7,176 623 2
apmoJ 4 7,088 625 1
SirMom (Leader) 5 5,928 638 1
Haasoor 6 1,993 815 1
Enter if you dare, but know this: within the shadowed depths of our tribe, darkness reigns supreme. We are the Guardians of Death, masters of the night, wielders of dread and despair. Those who dare to challenge us shall face a fate more terrifying than they can imagine. Our defenses are ironclad, our warriors relentless, and our wrath unforgiving. Beware, for in our domain, death whispers your name, and terror awaits those who dare to cross us. Choose your path wisely, for once you tread upon our lands, there is no escape from the abyss of our vengeance. Enter, if you dare... and know that in the realm of Guardians of Death, fear itself bows to our command.

GoD was founded by ShadowRise.
Diplomatics can be discussed with ShadowRise or it bleedzz.